I’m betting it’s safe to say that all travelers have, at one time or another, experienced what are often referred to as the post travel blues. That body-encompassing sense that something is off — a disconnect, a funk that you just can’t shake, even if you’re happy that you get to sleep in your own bed again and that you can grab brunch with your friends at your favorite weekend spot.
Whether you’ve just returned from long-term travel or a short vacation, from an all-inclusive resort or from an independent backpacking trip. Whether you’ve been slow traveling or fast traveling, across the world or in a neighboring state, you get that post travel blues feeling once your trip is over and you find yourself back home, having to re-adapt to the “real” world.
You may find that you’re alternately depressed to be back, sad your adventure is over, experiencing some heavy FOMO, daydreaming of hightailing it to the airport and hopping on a flight to somewhere (anywhere will do!), and just generally frustrated by your current circumstances…aka, not traveling.
It may seem daunting, but it is possible to take action in order to reclaim your normal state of mind and settle back into alignment with your daily life.
These are my top mindful tools and practices that you can implement to help you overcome those vexing post travel blues:
Start a Gratitude Journal to Beat Back your Post Travel Blues
The easiest way to do this is by just taking a few minutes in the morning when you wake up, or in the evening before bedtime – or, if you’re really ambitious, you could journal twice a day! – to write down 3-5 things you are grateful for in that moment or from that day. This is a healing and grounding practice that, when done consistently, can have all sorts of benefits in your life, like; nurturing a positive outlook, encouraging you to be present in the moment, giving you new insight and perspective, helping you get aligned, and it will most certainly remind you just how fortunate you are to be able to travel in the first place.
Write down what you’re grateful for daily
Create a Self-care Routine with No Room for Post Travel Blues
This is a big one and a pretty broad category, but it basically entails any rituals and/or routines that you perform in your life to ground yourself and get connected, so that you can replenish your energy and nourish your spirit. Journaling is one of these, as are; meditation, yoga, exercise, a bath with essential oils or bath salts, mantras and affirmations that you use to center yourself and remind you of just how kick-ass you are… Essentially it’s anything and everything that allows you to have some mindful “me” time on a regular basis to reconnect with your true self so that you can live each day from a place of power, inner peace, authenticity and grace.
Add some relaxing oils to a bath for some self-care
Write out your Bucket List…and Reverse Bucket List
I’m sure most people know what a Bucket List is, though few have probably actually spent the time to write theirs out. You can make it as simple or as outrageous (no one will know!) as you like, but take some time to sit down with a notebook and write down 50-100 things you dream of doing or experiencing before you kick the bucket. It may seem like a lot but once you get going, you’ll find that the ideas start to flow and I guarantee that most of you will get to 50 items on your list easily. Dream big on this one, nothing is off limits! Then, think about all the amazing and inspiring things you have already experienced or accomplished in your life and write those down on a separate list…this is your Reverse Bucket List. It is a great tool to help give us some perspective on all the incredible things we’ve already done, reminding us of just how powerful and limitless we are and making the items on our Bucket List seem pretty darn achievable. A sure-fire way to forget all about those bothersome post travel blues!
Get creative with that Bucket List
Go on a Staycation while your Post Travel Blues Disappear
This takes the “playing tourist at home” concept to another level entirely. Book a night or a weekend stay at a local spot that you’ve always wanted to enjoy and live it up like a visitor from out of town for a couple of days. Lounge by the pool drinking cocktails, splurge at the hotel restaurant, get a spa treatment, take a meditation class, ask the concierge for her top recommendations of sites and/or activities you should look into and just be present to enjoy that “tourist” life!
Plan your Next Adventure…no Post Travel Blues Allowed
And, finally…well, start planning your next trip! Get super intentional, choose one of those dream destinations or experiences from your Bucket List and start doing the research, scheduling and energetic inner work you need to do in order to make it happen. Then, go ahead and book that plane ticket because, for us travelers, nothing cures those post-travel blues as effectively as looking forward to your next adventure…am I right?
Written By Camila
Seeker, Storyteller and Mindful Traveler
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